Custom Drones

Drones for Inspection of Power Lines

A unique SW for flying close to the high voltage poles in power line inspection.


Inspection of Power Lines

Regarding visual inspection of line structures such as railways, bridges, or power lines, drones have become a safer, a more effective and cost-conscious alternative to traditional ways of inspection.
Drone technology offers high-resolution images and data including thermal imaging, which then enables the experts to detect faults or defects. Provided with precise information, technical teams
can choose the right tools and schedule the maintenance or repair at times that will not disturb
or disrupt daily operations. As drones are designed to inspect heights and inaccessible areas,
they can replace scaffolding or rope access to a great extent, thus reducing the risk to human life
and increasing speed and efficiency

X500 - Universal Research Drone

Drones are a more effective and safer solution for power line inspection.


A Unique SW for Drones Flying Close to the Power Lines from Fly4Future

When it comes to electricity transmission, ensuring the safety and reliability of the network is of utmost importance. One critical aspect of achieving this is through regular inspections of the transmission network elements. Regular inspections play a vital role in the timely detection of defects, helping to prevent potential failures and ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

Traditionally, power line inspection has been performed using helicopters when defects are identified by an onboard expert during flight or by using video recordings afterward. The use of drones offers numerous advantages. In terms of safety, it eliminates the need for physical human presence. Thanks to high-resolution cameras and sensors, drones can collect detailed images and data, promptly detecting potential issues such as damaged or faulty lines. This enables more accurate and thorough inspections.

CTU MRS DARPA winning team

Drones can fly close to the power line and send real-time data to the operator interface.

During the Inspel project, the Fly4Future team together with partners from AgentFly Technologies, ČEPS, and Eyedea, developed an automated data collection software using fully autonomous flying robots. The The Fly4Future team designed a unique SW for autonomous flying close to high voltage poles to provide an optimal point of view on required components of the infrastructure with the required resolution needed for AI-based postprocessing.

This new solution using drones flying close to the power lines lowers costs, improves the quality of aerial data acquisition, and enhances evaluation. It enables the inspection of power lines by multiple flying robots through an operator interface, displaying real-time and precise data from the available sensors. Additionally, the drone system can be used ad hoc for unplanned inspections in the event of accidents, which is currently not possible.

CTU MRS DARPA winning team

Drones using Fly4Future SW can fly very close to the high voltage poles and provide optimal angles for precise imaging.

Start Building Your Drone Online

Build your drone with our custom drone-building tool DroneBuilder.

You will be able to:

  • Configure your drone exactly to your needs
  • Consult your configuration with our specialist for free
  • Use our expertise to find the right components
  • Perfect your drone design

Be one step ahead and save your valuable resources with our expertise gained from years of research, development, and countless successful real-world experiments.

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Our Work

Research Projects

AeroSTREAM Summer School 2024

AeroSTREAM Summer School brought together a great team of students and academic researchers.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Lake and Pond Management

Autonomous multi-robot systems for water quality monitoring and object recognition in lake and pond management.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Port Inventory

A cost and time-efficient solution for port inspection and inventory utilizing autonomous drones for optimized operations.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drone Taxi Concept in Urban Mobility

Unique autonomous drone solutions for safe and reliable urban air mobility based on the concept of an autonomous drone taxi.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Parcel Delivery

We offer full range of services in development of unique solutions for the parcel delivery by autonomous drones.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Heritage Inspection and 3D Mapping

Autonomous drones for inspection and 3D mapping of large historic interiors with precise navigation in GNSS denied environments.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Monitoring of Animals

We develop autonomous drones for monitoring of animals: herding livestock, wildlife management, and related ecological research.

Development & Prototyping

Drones for Inspection of Highway Tunnels and Bridges

Autonomous drones designed specifically for inspection in GNSS-denied environments of highway tunnels and bridges.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Plant Management in Greenhouses

We offer the development of autonomous drone solutions for plant management in the narrow space of greenhouses.

Development & Prototyping

Autonomous Drones for Search and Rescue Missions

Autonomous drones and UAV swarms designed to conduct successful search and rescue missions in hard-to-reach environments – forests, caves, mines, etc.


What We Do

Custom Drone Builder

Custom Drones

We custom-build ready-to-fly fully autonomous drones that can be adjusted for any application and industry.

Development and prototyping

Development & Prototyping

We design and develop advanced autonomous aerial systems to meet the particular needs of our individual clients.

Research projects

Research Projects

We participate in many projects in various fields financed by the EU and Czech Republic, as well as private research institutions.