AeroSTREAM Project

AeroSTREAM Open Science: Open Remote Laboratory

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AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory

AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory is a part of AeroSTREAM’s Open Science initiative.  Open Science’s objectives are to enhance open collaboration between universities and industrial partners in different countries, and to share knowledge, tools and data throughout and after the AeroSTREAM project lifetime, not only with academia, but also with industry, end-users, public authorities, citizens, and society as such. AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory aims to provide an open remote laboratory for autonomous unmanned vehicles. Using existing equipment of AeroSTREAM partners, this Laboratory will allow everyone to remotely conduct experiments on real UAVs free of charge.


The experiments will be conducted with AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory platforms with the support of the Laboratory crew. Our crew member will prepare the UAV for flight and personally monitor the safety of the experiment being conducted. The data collected will be open for scientists and the general public.

Upcoming Rounds of Experimental Campaigns

August 19 – 26, 2024
Registration deadline: July 7, 2024

October 21 – 27, 2024
Registration deadline: September 13, 2024


Before you submit your experiment, please, read our AeroSTREAM Experiment Preparation instructions.

You will also need your CV and your experiment description in pdf ready to upload.

important Information

Before You Register

Who can participate?

Participation in AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory experiments is open to everyone, however each submission will be assessed based on specific criteria. Experiments that best meet these criteria will be performed live within AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory:

  • Your experiment has to be conducted using the MRS UAV System
  • Your experiment must be ready and fully functional in the Gazebo simulator.
  • Experiments will be prioritized according to their scientific contribution and overall level of innovation.

Although the experiments are carried out remotely, we encourage everyone to participate in their experiment in person in the Czech Republic.

What are topics of the experiments?

AeroSTREAM Open Remote Laboratory welcomes all UAV experiments, preferably covering following topics:

  • Trajectory planning and mulit-UAV trajectory planning.
  • Agile swarming of aerial robots with onboard relative localization.
  • Compact formations of cooperating autonomous UAVs.
  • Model predictive control and learning-based control for agile flight.
  • Multimodal state estimation in GPS-denied environments.
  • Collision avoidance, mapping, and localization in high-speed flight.
  • Onboard computer vision and artificial intelligence.
  • Aerial manipulation and physical interaction.

How to prepare your experiment?

Going beyond simulation is very exciting. In order to successfully run your experiment in the real world, you have to prepare it for an environment which can bring unexpected and challenging moments. We’ve prepared instructions to help you set up your experiment for maximum success.

Where are the experiments going to be conducted?

Venue: Czech Technical University in Prague testing outdoor facility which is situated on the shore of a lake Orlík in south Bohemia in Temešvár 12, 397 01 Temešvár, Czech Republic

Accomodation & Transportation

Accomodation is according to availability in the nearby town of Písek. Please check with and

The venue is accessible by public transport:

Direct bus from Prague to Písek operated by followed by bus from Písek to Temešvár.

All connections can be found here.

Accomodation and transportation are not provided by the organizers, however, we are here to assist you with arrangements. Contact us at

Past Sessions of Experiments

August 22-29, 2023 (registration deadline July 31, 2023)

October 16-20, 2023 (registration deadline September 22, 2023)

 April 15-26, 2024 (registration deadline March 8, 2024)


What We Do

Custom Drone Builder

Custom Drones

We custom-build ready-to-fly, fully autonomous drones suitable for your research needs.

Development and prototyping

Development & Prototyping

We design and develop advanced autonomous aerial systems to meet the particular needs of our individual clients.

Research projects

Research Projects

We participate in many projects in various fields financed by the EU and Czech Republic, as well as private research institutions.